Welcome in Montreal! Wether you feel like learning French and getting immersed in the Francophone culture or you need to learn French for immigration applications and find your dream job, the Alliance Française de Montréal is here for you and offers French classes! Let’s find out why the Alliance Française de Montréal can help you. Read this article and make your own mind about it!
Teaching quality
There are several reasons why the Alliance Française de Montréal provides with quality classes in French as foreign language.
Our teachers are experts in their craft. Besides having graduated with a Master’s degree in French as a foreign language, they are entitled to have you sit an examination. You can rely on their professionalism.
Our material. The textbooks to which we refer were published by publishing houses from all over the world. Therefore, our students get to have a general overview of the French language before getting into the heart of the matter and learning French related to Business, Law, Sightseeing, Medicine and other fields. With this material, you will delve into the Francophone cultures and discover different francophone cities throughout the world. The Alliance Française de Montréal is not only about learning French or Canadian French but also opening to the Francophonie and its different francophone cultures.
Your potential. Our French classes are thought through so that our students develop their language skills across the board, to wit : listening and reading comprehensions as well as writing and speaking. Besides, you will have the opportunity to improve your English conversation skills while taking part in workshops and discuss specific topics. Be ready to tackle every facet of the French language until you master it!
The group classes are at a human scale at the Alliance Française. They are composed of four to eight people maximum which ensures a better follow-up of each student. The other particularity of the French classes is that you can follow them in person or online. For the online classes, an interactive digital method with video and audio recording is used in order to preserve the quality of the teaching.
Also, these French classes at the Alliance Française allow you to prepare different exams in order to certify your French level. It could be very useful for immigration applications, job search or registration at educational establishments!
Finally, the Alliance Française de Montréal as well as the other Alliance Française follows a reference document of quality to ensure the quality of its services, organization, performance and its attendance rate. We make sure that the Alliance Francaise de Montréal fits in with this reference document through an assessment by the intern team every twelve months and by an external assessment if it’s necessary.

An easy registration
The registration to the French classes at the Alliance Française de Montréal is very simple, you just have to enter in the website page for registration of the Alliance Française and you can choose your classes according to your level and the days, hours and format (in person or online) that suit you.
The fees we charge for the French classes are an important resource for the Alliance Française de Montréal as a nonprofit organization. These resources are geared towards offering cultural activities free of charge in the future!

A variety of exams
The Alliance Française de Montréal enables you to follow French classes and get prepared for French exams, but it is also a certified center where you can take several exams ! There are different types of exams, find the one that fits your needs :
- Test d’Evaluation de Français (TEF)
- Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF)
- Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF) – Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF)
- …etc.
You can attend the TEF and TCF exam if you are 16 and older. These tests are recognised in Canada and worldwide and allow you, among other things, to certify your level of French as part of an immigration process.
The DELF-DALF exam is oriented towards academic and university acknowledgment of your level of proficiency in French. This exam is more complex, but it is also available for younger people, aged 6 and more who can attend the DELF junior.
You can find more information about these French exams on the website of the Alliance Française de Montréal, in the category “Tests and exams”.
Support the Alliance Française de Montréal by becoming a member
Supporting the Alliance Française de Montréal enables all French language and Francophonie lovers to diffuse it.