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Take the Ev@lang Orientation Test

Take the test to assess your language proficency in French. Rate yourself to determine your level of oral and written comprehension, grammar and vocabulary.


Ev@lang is a modern and reliable tool designed to evaluate the candidates’ language skills in French.

Developed by the Canadian government accredited organization France Éducation International, Ev@lang is an adaptive test, meaning that the evaluation path adapts in real time to the user's performance. Each user is offered a series of questions that will help determine their level of competence in each of the tests. This tool is based on the 6 competency levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) of the Common European Framework of Reference for CECRL Languages.

Ev@lang is a 100% online test. You will receive your test results immediately.

Ev@lang enables fast and reliable evaluation: between 7 and 35 minutes maximum.