Our teaching team

Learn French or improve your French skills

The Alliance Française de Montréal offers a wide range of French courses.
Our teachers are certified and highly qualified to meet all your needs.


Noëlline Abauzit

Education Development Manager
My name is Noëlline ABAUZIT and I am of French origin. I come from Rouen in Normandy and I teach at the Alliance Française de Montréal. It's an enriching experience with groups of motivated students where every lesson is a pleasure. My greatest pride as a teacher at the Alliance Française de Montréal is that my students pass their exams, especially the DELF and DALF.

Kelly Goudin

Group Courses and Certifications Manager
My name is Kelly Goudin and I'm originally from Lyon in France. I'm 36 years old and I've been a teacher, examiner and head of private lessons at the Alliance Française de Montréal for 1 year. For me, the Alliance Française de Montréal is defined by these 3 words: Sharing, community and fun.

Maud Bachelard

Manager of tailor-made and corporate courses
Coming soon

Ismaila Isamotu

Teacher and examiner
My name is Ismaila Isamotu, I'm from Niger and I've been teaching French for about fifteen years. I joined the Alliance Française de Montréal 6 months ago. For me, the Alliance Française is a hub for the French-speaking world, because it allows you to immerse yourself in the culture and learn French.

Flore Caillet

Teacher and examiner
My name is Flore CAILLET, I'm 24 and I'm French. I arrived at the Alliance Française de Montréal in January 2023, and I'm here as an exam examiner (TCF, TEF, DELF and DALF) and also as a French teacher. The Alliance Française de Montréal is a place where students and teachers meet and share ideas. It's a place of discovery and friendship, quite simply.

+ 15 teachers added to the team!

French courses level

The courses levels are based on the proficiency levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) of the Common European Framework for CECRL Languages.

Each level requires between 100 and 120 hours of French lessons in total.

After this session, we will suggest that you continue the courses at the same level or move to the next level.

Take French courses in Montreal

Our French courses are :

Our schedules are flexible:

Our classes

Discover all our classes for adults in groups, in person or online.

apprendre le francais